(Genus Magicicada) Indiana, USA – May/June 2021 After growing underground for 17 years, the larvae climb into daylight, shed their skin one last time, and go in search…
(Agelaius phoeniceus) Indiana, USA – April 2021 The male presents himself trilling loudly, while the brown-colored female watches the performance with interest. The preferred habitat of these birds…
(Archilochus colubris) Indiana, USA – August 2022 A male sits in a juniper bush and shows his iridescent, metallic shimmering throat, to which this hummingbird owes its name….
(Hirundo rustica) Ohio, USA – June 2022 Barn swallows are common around the world and are among the most abundant birds of all. This alert pair nests with…
Chicago, Illinois, USA – April 2022 The third-largest city in the U.S. is located on the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan. Although the weather was very changeable, cold…
Indiana, USA – November 2021 Vultures are very social birds that like to congregate in large, bare trees. The large turkey vultures (Cathartes aura) with the red heads…
(Delphinia picta) Indiana, USA – June 2020 This strikingly marked fly is a member of the jewel fly family (Ulidiidae) and is distributed primarily in the eastern and…
(Vanessa atalanta) Indiana, USA – May 2020 This old campaigner has already lost parts of his hind wings in the course of his life and therefore looks quite…
(Dryobates pubescens) Indiana, USA – July 2020 In a previous post, I had shown photos of a Downy Woodpecker raising a young bird. Unfortunately, the birds were quite…
(Dumetella carolinensis) Indiana, USA – May 2020 Mockingbirds, native to North America, are known for imitating sounds foreign to their species and incorporating them into their song. The…
(Turdus migratorius) Indiana, USA – June 2020 In North America, the American Robin is what the blackbird is in Europe. It has a similar appearance, similar behavior, is…
(Cardinalis cardinalis) Indiana, USA – June 2020 The probably most striking bird in North America is the Northern Cardinal with its bright red plumage. The female is much…