Category: AnimalsPage 3 of 3

Spotted Cucumber Beetle

(Diabrotica undecimpunctata) Indiana, USA – August 2019 Native to North America, this photogenic beetle is a feared crop pest that loves to attack cucumbers, pumpkins and melons. It…

Japanese Beetles at Love Play

(Popillia japonica) Indiana, USA – July 2019 These pretty beetles come from Japan and were introduced to North America about one hundred years ago. Due to the lack…

Green June Beetle

(Cotinis nitida) Indiana, USA – July 2019 This metallic shimmering beetle is native to the east of the USA and occurs most frequently in the south. The beetles…

Flower Crab Spider with Prey

(Misumena vatia) Indiana, USA – July 2019 This spider species, widespread in the northern hemisphere of the earth, usually sits well camouflaged on flowers, where it ambushes insects…

Common Brimstone Butterfly

(Gonepteryx rhamni) Neandertal, Germany – July 2019 At 12 months, the common brimstone butterfly has the longest life span of any butterfly in Central Europe. It is the…

Monarch Butterfly

(Danaus plexippus) Indiana, USA – September 2018 The monarch is known for his long migrations from eastern North America to his wintering grounds in Mexico. This specimen allows…

Paper Wasp

(Polistes metricus) Indiana, USA – October 2018 This wasp species lives in North America and is quite common in human settlements. The images were taken with a macro…

Mating Wheel Bugs

(Arilus cristatus) Indiana, USA – October 2018 These predatory bugs are common in North America but not very numerous. After I had first observed and photographed a single…

Garden Fleahopper

(Microtechnites bractatus) Indiana, USA – September 2018 Compared to this bug, the cloverleaf on which it sits looks huge. The rounded shape and the receding wings indicate that…