(Genus Magicicada) Indiana, USA – May/June 2021 After growing underground for 17 years, the larvae climb into daylight, shed their skin one last time, and go in search…
(Danaus plexippus) Indiana, USA – August 2021 Feeding and growing is the main occupation of these impressive caterpillars. These adult specimens are about to pupate. Their food plant…
(Alaus oculatus) Indiana, USA – June 2020 With large eyespots, this beetle deceives predators. It is native to North America and belongs to the click beetle family (Elateridae)….
(Delphinia picta) Indiana, USA – June 2020 This strikingly marked fly is a member of the jewel fly family (Ulidiidae) and is distributed primarily in the eastern and…
(Vanessa atalanta) Indiana, USA – May 2020 This old campaigner has already lost parts of his hind wings in the course of his life and therefore looks quite…
(Anthidium manicatum) Indiana, USA – July 2020 This solitary bee originated in Europe and was introduced to the United States in the middle of the last century. Since…
(Marimatha nigrofimbria) Indiana, USA – October 2019 This small and rather inconspicuous moth caught my attention last autumn. It sat motionless at the top of a blade of…
(Tenodera sinensis) Indiana, USA – September 2019 In the last century, various species of mantis were introduced to North America from all over the world because they were…
(Limenitis arthemis) Indiana, USA – August 2019 This magnificent butterfly is a good example of mimicry. The butterfly imitates a poisonous swallowtail (Battus philenor) in shape and colour…
(Neotibicen canicularis) Indiana, USA – August 2019 Every year during the hottest days of the year, also called dog days, these cicadas are active. Usually they are not…
(Diabrotica undecimpunctata) Indiana, USA – August 2019 Native to North America, this photogenic beetle is a feared crop pest that loves to attack cucumbers, pumpkins and melons. It…
(Popillia japonica) Indiana, USA – July 2019 These pretty beetles come from Japan and were introduced to North America about one hundred years ago. Due to the lack…